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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

Americans are resisting Biden's door-to-door COVID vaccine "brownshirts" program

• by Ethan Huff

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., chairman of Children's Health Defense (CHD), came out with a statement warning that the plan is already having the opposite effect, as it drives Americans who are opposed to getting injected even further away from trusting anything their government tells them.

"It's a foreboding fork in the road to totalitarianism," Kennedy says.

"We are now moving beyond the propaganda stage into this very coercive program where federal agents appear at American homes with the menacing message: 'We know who you are and where you live. We have you on our list, we have your medical records, we want your neighbors to know that you are dangerous.'"

Kennedy says Biden and his cronies are basically now telling America that personal property and privacy rights are no longer being respected, and that everyone is simply expected to take an experimental injection that is dangerous and ineffective simply because the government says they should.