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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

Mockery is the Best Medicine for Drug Pushers

• by Eric

Which definition never includes the drug, alcohol – probably because it is liked by too many of those who wage war upon human liberty, such as the armed government workers who wage the "war" and the robed archons styled "judges" who punish the POWS taken in by the AGWs for harms they didn't cause.

Anyhow, the interesting thing is the inversion. Has a "pusher" ever shown up at your door to peddle his "drugs"?

It takes the government to do that – and with the effrontery of legalism. The nauseating bray of "we're here to help you." The "hesitant" needing guidance – schooling regarding what's good for them.  Because they are too stupid to know any better.

We are presented with the prospect of drug-pushers actually pushing their drugs – showing up at our homes, rapping insistently on our doors.