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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

COVID Propaganda Roundup: Goon Squad Now Blaming Racism, Russians for 'Vaccine Hesitancy'

•, By Ben Bartee

'Vaxx-Them-All' Goon Squad Now Blaming Racism, Russians for 'Vaccine Hesitancy'
Much to the chagrin of the ruling class, despite their best efforts for over half of a year, an uncooperative 25% percent of the American proletariat still refuses to submit to the "vaccine" agenda.

Just like any analyst familiar with their keep-it-stupid-simple modus operandi would expect them to, the neoliberal media goon squad has turned, as it inevitably does, to old-fashioned Russophobia and race-baiting once their agenda hit a brick wall.

Nature Journal — in an information warfare manual masquerading as public health doctrine titled "COVID vaccines: time to confront anti-vax aggression" — plays the tried-and-true neoliberal Russiagate hand made infamous by MSNBC actress Rachael Maddow:

"Investigations by the US State Department and the UK Foreign Office have described how Russian intelligence organizations seek to discredit Western COVID-19 vaccines… President Joe Biden has warned Russian media groups to halt their anti-vaccine aggression."

Well, golly gee, if the US State Department says so…. it's not as if bureaucrats on its payroll lie all the time, as a matter of routine for political expediency:

"State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said though the search for WMD yielded no results, the United States, based on 'extensive intelligence,' believed before it invaded Iraq that Saddam was intent on acquiring them."