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IPFS News Link • Censorship

Tesla Reportedly Asked Chinese Government To Help Censor Social Media Posts Critical Of The Company

•, by Tyler Durden

And while we can barely guess what the temperature of the ever-changing relationship is today, one thing seems to be certain: Musk and the Chinese government are growing closer. 

And for proof of that, look no further than a new Bloomberg Businessweek article profiling Elon Musk's struggles in China. While the content of the article isn't entirely new - our readers are likely very familiar with the story - one portion of the report was stunning: Musk, in true CCP form, reportedly asked the Chinese government to censor the company's critics.

In speaking about how Tesla is trying to create relationships with journalists in China, Bloomberg buried the lede in dropping this bomb:

Previously focused on state-run media, Tesla is now trying to build relationships with auto-industry publications and influencers on platforms such as Weibo and WeChat, for example by inviting them on factory tours, and conducting group "discussion sessions" with policymakers, consumers, and media outlets. According to people familiar with the matter, it's also complained to the government over what it sees as unwarranted attacks on social media, and asked Beijing to use its censorship powers to block some of the posts.

It appears to be more proof positive not only that Musk is working closely with the CCP, but also that Musk may be adopting their tactics for "holding the narrative together". 

Recall, we were first, with the help of well-known short seller Montana Skeptic to ask in April of 2020 whether or not Musk risked becoming a Chinese asset, due to how much of a necessity China was becoming to Tesla's business operations.

Things were mostly quiet until the beginning of 2021, when in January, Musk called the Chinese government "more responsible" to its citizens than the U.S. government. In March we noted how Musk continued to kiss the ass of the CCP, singing the praises of the country and its government.