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IPFS News Link • Governors

OH NO: Gavin Newsom Has Sneaky New Plan To Rig The Recall Election In His Favor

• Clayton Keirns

And "cheat" is exactly what Governor Gavin Newsom is planning to do in his upcoming recall election. In fact, California Democrats just quietly passed a new bill that totally rigs the election in Newsoms favor.

As the Daily Wire reports, Democrat legislators in California passed bill SB 152, which will allow them to move up the recall election by at least 30 days. This gives Newsom's opponents less time to campaign and it also gives the people of California less time to learn about the candidates who are running against him.Republican Assemblyman Kevin Kiley blistered the decision with the following statement, "The conclusion is inescapable that Gavin Newsom is cheating in the recall and this Legislature is his willing accomplice."