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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

Most Who Took COVID Vaccines Will Be Dead By 2025

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Thanks to the people who participated in this first ever human experiment with a mRNA gene-therapy, fooled into thinking it was a "vaccine" for a phony "pandemic" allegedly caused by the never-isolated "COVID-19," we now know the following based on fact-based, post-vaccine research:

1.) It's not a vaccine. The COVID-19 mRNA vaccine does not provide immunity to Covid or it's variants so you can still catch Covid and transmit it to others making you asymptomatic. You will likely need a booster shot every 6 months, so get ready to roll up that sleeve every six months once that system rolls out.
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2.) The 95% efficacy is the RRR (Relative Reduction Risk) where the real reduction rate ARR (Absolute Reduction Risk) is less than 2% as per this scientific Lancet study.
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This means you are really not protected much at all, as the architects of this phony pandemic would like you to 'believe.'