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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

Kamala Harris Trains Activists To Pressure People Into Getting Vaccinated

•, by Emily Miller

 The person at the door may be the same Democratic operative who drove you to vote last year. Now he will tell you that Vice President Kamala Harris said it's your patriotic duty to get vaccinated. The feds sending people door-to-door to pressure the unvaccinated is a massive invasion of privacy and heavy-handed tactics that is a door step too far.

Biden tasked Harris to do the "We Can Do This National Vaccination Tour" to attempt to reach millions of Americans to "encourage vaccinations, and energize and mobilize grassroots vaccine education and outreach efforts." The real reason for all this is that they are fixated on achieving the political goal to vaccinate 70 percent of Americans by the 4th of July. They no longer talk medicine or science. This is about winning.

The groups of allegedly volunteers for the government (such a strange concept) are activated through community organizers. Harris revealed new information this week about how the groups are coordinated by the government for the door-to-door vaccine campaign.

In Atlanta on Friday, she went so far as to say aloud the actual script the door knockers should use to persuade people to get vaccinated. Like the skilled prosecutor that she is, Haris provided arguments against any possible excuse for not getting vaccinated.

"If you knock on the door and someone says they don't have the time to get the vaccine -- because people are busy. They're trying to just make it through the day. Or they say that pharmacies are never open when they do have time, well, let's address that.  Because now, you can let them know that pharmacies across our country are keeping their doors open for 24 hours on Fridays in June, including today.