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IPFS News Link • Voting: Vote Fraud

REPORT: Calif. Labor Union Sent Hundreds of Paid Activists to 'Cure' Ballots in Ariz., Ga.

• By Ben Sellers

Far-left magazine The Nation became the latest media outlet to openly boast of corrupt efforts to manipulate the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

While writing to a sympathetic audience about the fait accompli, the rag gloated in its latest cover-story that a California-based labor union had been deployed to help "cure" ballots—and that the outcome in at least two crucial swing states, Arizona and Georgia, "was no accident."

The admission, first flagged by RedState, followed in the footsteps of Time—which admitted, shortly after Democrat Joe Biden was installed in the White House, that a cabalistic klatch of conspirators had engaged in censorship, suppression and disinformation campaigns to sway public sentiment, often exploiting crises such as the coronavirus pandemic to achieve their overtly political ends.
