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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

The Road to Forced Covid Vaccinations or "How I Learned to Love the Jab"

• - R.K. Solomon

A small disgruntled minority might street protest, but only within the approved parameters of the techno-financial oligarchy. Even those benign First Amendment displays of dissatisfaction are heading the way of the Dodo, courtesy of Big Tech censorship and a militarized security state.

Despite the American propensity for obeying Big Brother, there is one government diktat that could push some into Sands of Iwo Jima-Remember the Alamo-Scarface "Say hello to my little friend" territory. Forced COVID-19 vaccinations. To paraphrase Charlton Heston, they'll have to inject me in my cold dead arm.

Bill Gates and his Rothschild-Rockefeller Matrix cohorts understand that some folks object to human guinea pig biochemical rape.  Dead-of-night home invasions by black-clad Ministry of Health commandos in balaclavas armed with submachine guns, and syringes of Pfizer mRNA vaccine could face stiff resistance. To mitigate "extreme" cases of vaccine hesitancy, the warders of the global corp insane asylum are using incremental measures to induce stubborn charges to "voluntarily" take their medicine.

Google search (aka "Ask the Deep State") reports that about 40% of the US population is fully vaccinated. It seems some aren't buying Bill Gates as warm and fuzzy Mr. Rogers philanthropist, although I think Tom Hanks with wig, makeup, and glasses, under Spielberg's direction, could pull it off. But even a Hollywood-CIA-Mossad blockbuster might not be enough to send everyone skipping off to mass vaccination sites. So what's a sociopathic oligarch to do?.
