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IPFS News Link • Governors

Exclusive Photo: Gretchen Whitmer Violates Own Coronavirus Orders at Dive Bar

• by Kyle Olson

Whitmer and a large group of friends, including her appointed chief operations officer, Tricia Foster, visited the Landshark in East Lansing, violating her restaurant orders in the process, according to a photo one of the attendees posted on Facebook.

The photo, posted Saturday, was part of a montage. Shortly after, Whitmer's friend deleted the collage and reposted it sans the governor and one of her top aides:

The group shot of 13 individuals appeared to violate the governor's restaurant capacity order issued May 15 on "gathering limitations for entertainment establishments, recreational establishments, and food service establishments":

b. Gatherings are prohibited at food service establishments, whether indoor or outdoor, unless:

Consumption of food or beverages is permitted only in a designated dining area where patrons are seated, groups of patrons are separated by at least 6 feet, no more than 6 patrons are seated together (at a table, booth, or group of fixed seats), and groups of patrons do not intermingle

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