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Mask wearers now feel paranoid, angry, confused and stupid

• Natural News - S.D. Wells

If you've noticed, there's also a Blue vs. Red politics game going on with masks, and that is why most of the Blue states are MUCH slower to remove mask mandates. The main problems, however, remain that the masks cause oxygen deprivation and angst, leading to pent up anger, and we all know most of the Trump haters have that going on, big time.

Now that mask rules are being lifted by the Red States and most big box retailers, even in Blue states, there's a new reason for the control freaks to feel paranoid, angry, confused and yes, dumb – when they have to look at all the intelligent and healthy people who aren't wearing masks because we figured out the control scam and "flipped the script."

Most of the vaccinated sheeple are and will continue to wear their useless, bacteria-laden masks because they've been brainwashed into paranoia and hate

Soon, the masks should all have the Biden Regime logo (anything resembling a swastika or communist sickle would be appropriate), because that's about what it all boils down to. Covid-19 was used as a cover story for tens of millions of falsified mail-in ballots to steal the election, by winning all the swing states. The mask was all about communism, and erasing human expression and collaboration, so nobody can be an individual or communicate about the most insidious health and politics scam ever besieged on a republic.

Now, the vaccinated sheeple are even more stupefied and angry than ever, and then confused and powerless on top of all of that. They just can't think or feel properly at all, during any part of the day, and now they can't take it out on the mask-less populace, because those rules are falling apart by the day, everywhere. These mask-wearing libtards are waiting for Fauci, the inventor of Covid-19, to tell them what to do, and their oxygen-deprivation masks are making them lose their minds, slowly but surely.

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