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IPFS News Link • Business/ Commerce

We Won! Trader Joe's was the First Crack in the Armor

•, By Allan Stevo

Trader Joe's has some excellent quality products at a consumer friendly price with a quirky corporate style. What's not to like about such a place? 

 When corona communism was implemented after the Ides of March 2020, we saw exactly what was not to like about such a place. 

 Trader Joe's became one of many private companies that enforced the terrible one-sized-fits-all health mandates, including the CDC's April 3, 2020, face mask order, the single most powerful tool of 2020. 

 The very concept of private property is further perverted when such behavior takes place as private companies enforce illegitimate government edict. 

 It didn't stop there. Through participation in trade organizations, the executives of Trader Joe's and other companies, called for even more stringent across-the-board policies from government. They didn't just enable, they didn't just enforce, they didn't just encourage, they demanded even more tyranny!
