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Couple Spends Nearly $100k Turning School Bus Into Dream Home -- Now They're Raffling It Off


Lucy Stevens and Glen Carloss bonded over their love of American cars on their first date, and even spoke about a shared dream of converting a big bus.

Just a few months later, they shipped a 36ft x 8ft yellow bus from New York to Southampton in the south of England.

It still contained kids' toys, discarded school jumpers, and sick notes, and they spent nearly a year converting it into a luxe mobile home.

Out came the seats and in went heating, a 'cinema room', a bathroom, a fireplace, and a king size bed, but crucially the iconic yellow exterior remains untouched.

Videos on Instagram show their entire process, and the work that went into the transformation.

Lucy said: "We both shared the same dream of owning a big vehicle to do a road trip for a year or longer.

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