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IPFS News Link • European Union

Euroscepticism Grows In Germany as 63% Say the EU is Excessively Bureaucratic

•, By Mish

 It is just one of several signs of rising Euroscepticism .

"Dexit" Is the New Brexit

Deutschland Exit, Dexit, is the New Brexit Discussion.

Germany's far-right AfD party vowed to campaign for an end to coronavirus restrictions, a tougher line on migration and an exit from the EU as it finalised its election manifesto on Sunday.

The AfD had on Saturday voted to include a call for Germany to leave the European Union in its manifesto, as well as vowing to demand an end to coronavirus measures, complaining of a "politics of fear".

Persistence of Euroscepticism

I saw that article a week ago and initially dismissed it as AfD only has 10-15% support.

Dexit is headed nowhere, for now. 

Yet, Eurointelligence takes Rising Euroscepticism very seriously.

Germans have lost confidence in the European Commission. Only 21% of Germans say that they have a either a lot or some degree of confidence in the Commission, down from 30% in 2019. This is in contrast to 50% who would say the same about the German government. 

8% say that Germany has benefited from the EU's vaccine purchases, while 46% said no. But what is really striking is creeping euroscepticism. 39% wants repatriation of competences from the EU to member states. Only 12% want more competences for the EU. 63% think the EU is excessively bureaucratic, and 58% believe that Germany has to pay for over-indebted eurozone countries.