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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

Airlines Won't Call Digital ID A 'Vaccine Passport' Because "It Carries Too Many Co

• by Steve Watson

A report from Yahoo News notes that airlines won't be calling the imminent vaccine passports by that name because "It carries too many connotations," according to one aviation CEO.

The forthcoming 'digital certificates' that will show COVID-19 vaccination status won't be referred to as vaccination passports says Delta Air Lines CEO Ed Bastian, because that would turn people off.

Bastian declared that airlines are "more focused on a credential, travel credential, if you will, to indicate that you've been vaccinated and or tested based on the regulatory requirements."

The CEO added that he expects "Either a vaccination or a test," to be a requirement to travel, and airlines are "working with a number of technology providers to be able to facilitate that in an open source way." 

Right. A vaccine passport then.

That is exactly what the ID will be, but never mind, just call it something else to placate the sheeple and hope they remain only dimly aware of a certain unease in the air.
