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IPFS News Link • China

Elon Musk's China Ass-Kissing Tour Continues

• Zero Hedge - Tyler Durden

We don't know what's more relevant: the fact that Elon Musk is literally kissing the ass of the Chinese government, or the fact that U.S. media seems to be digesting this as a meaningful story. Regardless it has been tough to not notice that Elon Musk has been "cozying up" to China, as the New York Post so eloquently put it this week. 

The Tesla CEO apparently "sang Beijing's praises in a recent interview with state-run China Central Television," the report notes, while trying to deflect concerns about his vehicles. 

The interview was released Tuesday, and Musk said that China would eventually become Tesla's largest market - both in number of customers and vehicles produced. Musk also praised Beijing for aiming to slash carbon emissions. He said China's goal of peaking carbon emissions by 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2060 is a "great one", according to China Daily