IPFS News Link • Parental Rights

Canada: Father Faces Arrest for Trying to Stop Doctors From Transitioning --

• https://needtoknow.news by Patty McMurray

Surrey, British Columbia: Rob Hoogland is the father of a teenage girl who decided at 14 years of age that she wanted to be a boy.  She was encouraged by her school to make the transition without her parents' knowledge. Her father believes she is too young to medically transition to a male and that such an attempt can leave her sterile. In a interview, Hoogland said that school officials are taking kids during school recess to get hormone shots while preventing parents from being informed that their child is being "transitioned". The doctors, school officials, and now the Supreme Court have decided that this father does not have the authority to override that decision. Furthermore, he now must always refer to his daughter by using male pronouns or he will face legal action.

Mr. Hoogland is set to be arrested for violating the terms of the court which prohibit him from speaking out about the ghoulish behavior of the doctors, school counselors, and the justice system in Canada. -GEG
