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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

Biden's Executive Orders vs. American Public Opinion

•, by Richard M. Ebeling

That is four times as many executive orders as were signed in the same number of first days in the White House as Donald Trump, and five times as many as Barack Obama gave his signature to in his comparable period in office. There seems to be a new precedent of far greater government by decree.

Through these executive orders President Biden, among other things, initiated the United States once again being committed to the climate change targets of the Paris Accords; reversed Donald Trump's withdrawal from the World Health Organization; halted construction on the Keystone XL oil pipeline from Canada to the U.S. gulf coast; froze any further new permits for oil drilling on federal government-owned land; instructed all federal agencies to follow goals and targets for racial and gender-based "equity" outcomes in employment and contracting and regulatory oversight; reinforced protectionist "buy American" rules in all federal government procurements; extended "freezes" on federally funded student college loan payments and extended a nationwide federal restriction on evictions and foreclosures until at least the end of March 2021; virtually "nationalized" government control and oversight of the manufacture and supplying and distribution of anti-Covid-19 vaccines; imposed anti-virus face mask wearing on all federal property and public transportation; and a slew of many others.

Progressives Delighting in Biden's Flood of Executive Orders

Some in the American political "progressive" movement have hailed this de facto "government-by-presidential-command" as both good and desirable, indeed, essential to the future political health of the country. For instance, the January 29, 2021 online issue of The Nation magazine contained an article by its national affairs correspondent, Jeet Heer, on, "Biden's Executive Orders are Essential to Restoring Democracy."