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IPFS News Link • Welfare: Social

3 Glaring Problems with Joe Biden's New Multi-Trillion COVID Package

•, Brad Polumbo

"I believe we have a moral obligation," Biden said during a speech in Delaware announcing the plan. "In this pandemic in America, we cannot let people go hungry, we cannot let people get evicted, we cannot watch nurses, educators and others lose their jobs, we so badly need them. We must act now, and we must act decisively."

It's a massive proposal, and any final legislative text based upon it would no doubt be hundreds of pages (if not thousands). But here are some of the package's main provisions: 

An additional $1,400 in "stimulus" checks to most Americans, upping the recently-passed $600 payouts to $2,000 

Renewal and increase of the expanded unemployment benefits that extend payouts to many new classes of workers through September 2021. Biden's proposal would add $400 a week in federal payouts on top of existing state-level benefits

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