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Steyn: some riots are OK -- there's been a complete collapse of equality before the law


It's OK to loot Macy's,  it's OK to incinerate the precinct house in Minneapolis… but suddenly you expect the Capitol of the United States to be immune from this?  Ifwe have equality before the law,  a Wendy's franchisee is expected to have his property rights as respected as the United States Congress…

"Some groups have enjoyed a license to loot and burn at night…"

We've got a completely bifurcated system…the less law that applies to one group the more microregulated the lives of the other group are.

As for equality before the Media: A woman was killed in Congress, apparently shot by an agent of law enforcement. But on the news tonight, there were no candlelit vigils, no slo-mo replays. No demands for answers. It was the chaos that "led to her death". It's all in the phrasing.
