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IPFS News Link • Philosophy: Political

Guest Post: The Tyranny of Medical Inventions by Wyotona

•, By Bill

From 1952 until 2008 there was always a left-wing Nixon or Bushevik on successful GOP tickets. In 2008 and 2012, the Manchurian McCandidate and Comrade Mitt were the flag-bearers respectively.

And Daniel Greenfield does a bang-up job covering the Enemedia merry-go-round on covering up for Stalin's many crimes against humanity.

J. Arch Getty, a history professor at UCLA, told Politifact that, "I am not aware of any original source for this, and in my extensive archival research in Stalin's personal archive, I found nothing like this."

As Jacob Heilbrunn at the Weekly Standard had previously noted, "Getty exemplifies the new revisionism that has taken hold in Soviet studies; rather than deny outright Stalin's crimes, it seeks to justify them. This kind of revisionism would be condemned… if its subject were Nazism, but it continues to be rewarded and acclaimed in the field of Soviet studies."