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IPFS News Link • Employment & Jobs

Can Employers Fire Any Employees That Choose Not To Take The COVID Vaccine?

•, by Michael Snyder

To me, this is not even a debate that we should be having.  It would be fundamentally anti-American and morally reprehensible for any employer to fire someone for choosing not to get vaccinated.  Unfortunately, the mainstream media does not see things that way, and they are interviewing lots of legal experts that are assuring employers that it is perfectly legal to fire people that don't want to get vaccinated.  For example, the following comes from a CNBC article

"In general, yes, employers are able to mandate the vaccine when it becomes available with, of course, a bunch of caveats," says employment lawyer Lindsay Ryan, listing possible exemptions for those with specific medical conditions and those with sincerely held religious convictions.

If religious convictions really did protect employees, that would be great.

From my perspective, any employee that refuses to get vaccinated based on a sincerely held religious conviction should definitely be shielded from being fired under federal law.