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IPFS News Link • Politics: Libertarian Campaigns

What Libertarians Need to Know About Amy Coney Barrett Statements and Judicial Rulings

•, -RW

President Trump is expected to officially announce his choice for the Supreme Court on Saturday afternoon.

The good from a libertarian perspective:

 Barrett wrote in 2017 that Chief Justice John Roberts pushed the Affordable Care Act beyond its plausible meaning in order to save it.
 Barrett dissented when the appeals court upheld a decision restricting the Second Amendment rights of a felon convicted of mail fraud. She said non-violent offenders should not lose their constitutional right to firearms possession.
 In a dissent, Barrett defended the Trump administration's rule denying immigrants permanent residence if they become regular users of public assistance.
Barrett helped to block the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's effort to stop an employer from transferring Chicago-area employees based on their race or ethnicity. The agency had accused AutoZone of making the transfers to reflect area demographics.
 Barrett ruled that the Age Discrimination in Employment Act does not apply when policies impact plaintiffs unintentionally.The ruling went against a 58-year-old job applicant who lost out to someone half his age when the company sought to hire a person with less than seven years' experience.