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IPFS News Link • Propaganda

Democrats PANICKING Over Riots Get Saved By Media, Latest Smear Of Trump So INSANE...

•, Tim Pool

Democrats PANICKING Over Riots Get Saved By Media, Latest Smear Of Trump So INSANE It Can't Be Real. Smear piece claims that Trump called WW1 vets losers and suckers and questioned why the US fought with the Allies. Claims that are so absurd they can't possibly be real and sure enough other journalists immediately called out the smears as provably false. FOIA Documents prove the story was false, Trump was not able to visit the WW1 cemetery due to bad weather. But of course within hours of the lies coming out smear campaigns were launched as if the tabloid trash from leftist media was true. Joe Biden of course latched on because politics is a dirty game. This all seems like an obvious attempt to shift the narrative away from the urban chaos which was hurting Democrats and helping Trump