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IPFS News Link • Employment & Jobs

Job Openings Soar Amid Record Surge In Americans Quitting Their Job

•, Tyler Durden

Job openings rose in a number of industries with the largest increases in accommodation and food services (+198,000), other services (+69,000), and arts, entertainment, and recreation (+34,000). Job openings decreased in construction (-70,000) and in state and local government education (-26,000). The number of job openings increased in the Northeast and Midwest regions

Separately,  we already knew that the series of 24 consecutive months in which there were more job openings than unemployed workers ended with a thud in March, in April it was an absolute doozy with 18 million more unemployed workers than there are job openings, the biggest gap on record. In June, the gap closed somewhat, with 11.9 million more unemployed than available job openings (after 15.6 million in May).