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IPFS News Link • Trump Administration

PIERS MORGAN: China makes Trump look woke...

•, By Piers Morgan

The self-righteous censorious bleating from that part of the world is so ferocious, unrelenting and aggressive that it's a wonder anyone is deemed morally suitable enough to work there.

Those who do now live in constant abject terror of being canceled.

This week alone, there's been an outpouring of abject apologies from actors who've fallen short of the ultra-strict new woke cop rules and are now gripped in a pitiful orgy of self-loathing and hand-wringing about everything they've ever said, written, done and performed.

Zoe Saldana tearfully apologised for not being black enough to play Nina Simone (what she SHOULD have apologised for was the dreadful movie itself which was one of Hollywood's all-time box office turkeys), and Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively begged for forgiveness for getting married in 2012 at a South Carolina wedding venue which had once been the site of a plantation 150 years ago.