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IPFS News Link • Activism

Activist: Depictions of Jesus Are "White Supremacy" and People Should "Tear Them Down

•, by Daisy Luther

Shaun King, a prominent civil rights activist, believes that all depictions of Jesus that show him as white should be taken down.If you're wondering whether King was only talking about statues of Jesus, let's be perfectly clear. He's talking about all depictions of Jesus as white.King believes that the depictions of Jesus were white so that white people would follow Christianity.

This sparked outrage on Twitter. Newsweek reports:

A tweet by Jenna Ellis, a lawyer representing President Donald Trump, warned that she would "not break" if "they try to cancel Christianity," although it's unclear if it was in direct response to King's tweet. Regardless, King responded that the lawyer was "actually defending here is her whiteness."

"Christian whiteness needs white Jesus," King tweeted to Ellis. "It's not about generosity or kindness. It's not about protecting the vulnerable. It's about whiteness itself. Attack white Jesus to her, and you attack her faith."