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Online registrar threatens to drop anti-immigration website


An internet registrar is threatening to delist a website that is a leading promoter of white nationalist and anti-immigration views, a move that could make the site accessible only to diehard users willing to use a special browser to find it on the dark web.

Network Solutions' parent company, Group, notified a civil rights group on Friday that it has "taken steps" to terminate the company's account for, which would make it unreachable on the public internet unless it can find another provider willing to register the domain name.

VDARE remained online Monday. The website has until Thursday to transfer the domain before Network Solutions may delete its services, a parent company lawyer said in a letter to a VDARE attorney last week.

In April and in May, the head of the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law sent letters urging Network Solutions to drop VDARE. Kristen Clarke, the Washington, D.C.-based group's president and executive director, wrote that VDARE peddles "anti-immigrant and anti-Black hate," spreads misinformation about the coronavirus and encourages violence against migrants.
