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IPFS News Link • Tennessee

More People Died Of Suicide Last Week In Tennessee Than COVID-19

•, Tyler Durden

We are about to have a mental health crisis during an economic depression that will be tough to live through.  The virus is no longer the problem.  The government's reaction has been the problem and even some politicians have figured it out. Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs revealed in a weekly update that our solution to this pandemic has not been a good one. 

"Thus far, our reaction to COVID-19 has been to sacrifice the global economy," said Jacobs.

"The truth is: a sick economy produces sick people."

Most people don't want to hear the truth, unfortunately, and the longer state governments insist on businesses being closed and an economy shut down to combat what's looking like a fairly insignificant virus for most of the population, the aftermath will worsen.  Each day that drags on will make the next few years more difficult.