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IPFS News Link • Agriculture

"Modern" farming practices linked to ALL forms of malnutrition

• by Damon Hines

But beyond polluting water and air, degrading soils and forests, killing biodiversity and hastening climate change, degenerative "modern" food and farming systems pose a mortal threat, contributing to all forms of malnutrition.

According to a recent study released by the Lancet Commission on Obesity, nearly a billion people are hungry and another 2 billion are eating too much of the wrong food, causing epidemics of obesity, heart disease and diabetes.

The study, which is the result of three years of work by commissioners from 26 countries, suggests that ALL forms of malnutrition – including obesity and under-nutrition – are driven by the same unhealthy, inequitable food systems.

"Modern" farming is slowly killing us and the media remains silent about the danger

The degenerative industrial agriculture system is best described as an "umbrella" organization that includes corporate agribusiness, Big Food Companies, fast food chains, and chemical and seed giants like Bayer/Monsanto and Syngenta. It's the leading force behind the widespread use of genetically modified seeds, pesticides, antibiotics, and the production of GMO foods.

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