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IPFS News Link • Economy - Economics USA

Who Will Count the Cost?

• by Bionic Mosquito

This will be long.  Read through to the end, or at least be sure to read the end.  It will make you sad.

John Mauldin has written two pieces on the coronavirus in the last few days – including a mid-week letter, the first I ever remember receiving from him in more years than I can remember; let's call these his dream regarding a national response.

Coronavirus Is Not an Emergency. It's a War.  March 19, 2020

Without radical action (some of which is already happening, some places, but not enough), this pandemic could cost many lives and potentially launch an economic depression. I am not exaggerating when I say this. I really mean it.

It is the radical action that will cause the depression (well that, and all of the money pumping of the last decade), not the virus.

…we have to treat this situation not as an emergency, but as a battle that could turn into a war. World War C.

I am guessing that by "C," he means coronavirus.  It would be better if he thought of "C" as the vitamin.  Along with sunshine, vitamin D-3, and zinc, it will do far more to alleviate this flu than any governmental lockdown.

Bluntly, this is going to cost more than a few trillion dollars.
