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IPFS News Link • Immigration

Turkey Opens the Migrant Floodgates, Greece Fire Teargas

•, by Mish

In another test of alleged EU's freedom of movement policy, Turkey opened its border with Greece.

Greece Responds With Teargas and Denials

DW reports Turkey Opens the Migrant Floodgates, Greece Fire Teargas

Greek police have clashed with migrants on the Turkish border where as many as 4,000 people attempted to cross into the EU. On Friday, Ankara said it would no longer stop migrants from crossing into Greece.

Migrants and Greek police clashed along the Turkish-Greek border on Saturday, as Greek authorities claim they blocked 4,000 refugees from "illegally" entering the EU.

Police fired tear gas at migrants who amassed at a border crossing in the Turkish state of Edirne. There were also reports of stones being hurled by refugees at the officers.