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IPFS News Link • New York

Democrats May Give as Many as 1 Million Non-Citizens May Voting Rights in New York City

•, Breitbart

Up to one million non-citizens living in New York City may obtain voting rights for local elections if a plan by Democrat city councilmembers is approved.

As Breitbart News reported, Democrat city councilmembers are considering legislation that allows eligible legal immigrants to vote in citywide elections — similar to San Francisco, California, policy where non-citizens are allowed to vote in local school board elections.

Anywhere between 500,000 to one million non-citizens in New York City would be granted the right to vote in local elections if the legislation is approved by the city's 51-member city council, sources told the New York Daily News.

Pushing the legislation is Councilman Ydanis Rodriguez (D-Manhattan) along with 22 other Democrat councilmembers and the city's Public Advocate Jumaane Williams.

The law would give local electoral power to the city's massive 3.1 million foreign-born population — making up almost 40 percent of the total city population. The majority of the city's foreign-born population has arrived from the Dominican Republic, China, Mexico, Jamaica, Guyana, Ecuador, and Haiti, Trinidad and Tobago, Bangladesh, and India.