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IPFS News Link • Trump Administration

U.S. Strike on Iranian Commander in Yemen the Night of Suleimani's Assassination...

•, Alex Emmons

The operation was aimed at killing Abdul Reza Shahlai, the commander of the Yemen division of Iran's elite Quds Force, near the Yemeni capital Sana'a. Shahlai survived, but a lower-level Quds Force operative was killed, and Shahlai went into hiding, the official said. Shortly thereafter, Iranian state TV reportedly announced the death of a Quds Force operative named Mohammad Mirza in "one of the fields of Resistance Front.

"Shahlai is a senior operator in the Quds Force, the external operations arm of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. He was sanctioned by the U.S. in 2008 for his role in operations against the United States in Iraq, and the U.S. has accused him of coordinating a 2011 plot to assassinate the former Saudi ambassador to the U.S., Adel al-Jubeir, at a restaurant in Washington, D.C. Shahlai has since been placed in charge of the Quds Force division responsible for aiding the Houthi militia in its war against Saudi-led intervention in Yemen, the official said.