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IPFS News Link • Federal Reserve

David Stockman: Here's What A Fed Audit Could Really Reveal


David Stockman: It tells you that he has no understanding of economics at all!

I think Trump is not even a primitive when it comes to economic comprehension. His views are just plain stupid when it comes to exchange rates. He seems to think it's some grand game of global golf, where the strongest player gets the lowest score.

What sense does it make tweeting as he did recently in attacking the Fed?

According to Trump, the US economy is so much better than the rest of the world's economies, and therefore we should have the lowest interest rate as a result. It has nothing to do with economic logic or with principles related to sound money. I think he's just thrashing about trying to create a warning that if things go badly, it's the Fed's fault.

The whole narrative on the economy is wrong.

The low unemployment rate is something he inherited. It's the end of the longest business cycle in history—126 months.