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Lloyds Insurers Refuse to Cover 5G Wi-Fi Illnesses


Lloyds of London, one of the world's premier insurance groups, is refusing to insure health claims made against 5G wireless ("wi-fi") technologies.

How curious that Lloyds of London has excluded from their policies any negative health effects caused by wi-fi technologies. Now, WHY would Lloyds leave all that money on the table if these technologies are so safe? And, why are other insurance companies following Lloyds' lead?

If you think that following-the-money provides insights, you'll probably conclude that something VERY BIG is embedded in this decision.

Here's some background (including links):

The FCC and other government regulatory bodies, in collusion with the big telecomm industries, are ferociously pushing smart meters, 5G and the Internet of Things.

This roll-out is not only happening in the US, but all over the world. The giant telecomms gush enthusiastically about how EVERYTHING will be connected

OMG!! We're gonna have Incredibly high-speed connectivity so your little girls and teens can, at supersonic speed, upload pix of their latest nail-polish jobs or cute puppy videos to FaceBook, Pinterest, etc., etc., for their friends to gasp and giggle…..and, of course, click "like" and forward these to their friends…. again, all at warp speed.

It's pretty clear that this whole "play" by the giant telecomms is seen by them as a financial windfall – for them. And, via their lobby groups, it's seen as a windfall for all the politicians who support this agenda. Politicians will be rewarded in the usual manner – pricey junkets to exotic places, elegant dinners, campaign contributions and, of course, cushy "golden parachute" jobs for those wi-fi supportive ex-politicians within the telecomm industries, or within their lobby groups. In short, crony business as usual.

BUT WAIT!! ….There's a tiny but growing wrinkle in this rosy scenario of sugar plums dancing in the heads of these telecomm leaders. Specifically, Lloyds of London, one of the world's premier insurance groups, is refusing to insure health claims made against wireless technologies. And, other insurance companies are following Lloyd's lead in this.

If you follow the money, this is HUGE. After all, if these wi-fi techno-toys are so safe, why is Lloyds leaving all this additional money on the table?

Well, Lloyd's November 2010 Risk Assessment Team's Report gives us a solid clue: the report compares these wireless technologies with asbestos, in that the early research on asbestos was "inconclusive" and only later did it become obvious to anyone paying attention that asbestos causes cancer.