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IPFS News Link • Iceland

ADL threatening to use the American MSM to destroy Iceland's tourism economy...

•, RumorMail

What is this extreme reaction telling us? It's hard to believe that circumcision/male genital mutilation could be such a red hot issue in our modern world! Is this at the root of the devaluation of men? I'm not sure how to describe it, but something is really wrong with this.


The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) are blackmailing and defaming Iceland, threatening to use the American MSM to destroy Iceland's tourism economy, if Iceland bans circumcision

A tiny island nation who has almost no jews decides to ban a satanic ritual abuse practice that traumatizes babies as soon as they enter the world to start the conditioning process. The ADL response is to threaten them with economic destruction using the largest media corporations in history. Totally not terrorism.

Link to letters sent by ADL to an Icelandic MP (below)