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IPFS News Link • Justice and Judges

Seth Rich's Ghost Haunts the Courts

• by Ray McGovern

It is shaping up to be a significant challenge to the main premise of the shaky syllogism that ends with "Russia did it."

If you're new to this website, grab onto something, as the following may come as something of a shock. Not only has there never been any credible evidence to support the claim of Russian cyber interference, there has always been a simple alternative explanation that involves no "hacking" at all – by Russia or anyone else.

As most Consortium News habitués are aware, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (which includes two former NSA technical directors), working with independent forensic investigators, concluded two years ago that what "everyone knows to be Russian hacking of the Democratic National Committee" actually involved an insider with physical access to DNC computers copying the emails onto an external storage device – such as a thumb drive. In other words, it was a leak, not a hack.

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