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IPFS News Link • Philosophy: Political

Fragile Systems, Resilient Communities by Jim Davidson

•, by Bill

Publisher's Note: I am a committed collapsitarian and thank my friend Skip for essentially reviving the term.

Jim touches on some thoughtful notions germane to the coming Endarkenment. I am an antifragility advisor (one of my jobs) at my current employment and have presented two papers at the Military Operations Research Society annual symposiums on this very subject. The good news is that all insurgencies are by their nature antifragile while the counterinsurgency efforts in the western world have tended to a fragility that sunders their effectiveness.

Some random thoughts:

How am I faring off Twitter? It is a wise moving getting off Twitter. It is a swamp that puts you in touch with some of the more toxic and cancerous elements of humanity. It's an ideal platform for the intellectually beggared belief systems of the government supremacists. Best case scenario is you waste time and get annoyed, worst case scenario is a Tweet against the hive mind causes an angry Twitter mob to dox you, and you lose your job or worse.

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