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'In all these cases . . . the government agents showed remarkable patience'


On July 30, the web site Conservative Treehouse posted a report headlined "Lous Dobbs Interviews Former Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker" at . . . .

I weighed in with a comment:

So Mr. Whitaker cheerfully foresees "restoring people's belief in the integrity of the DOJ and the FBI" because "the rank and file are solid and trying to do the right thing"?

Remember when the Washington Post — back when they OCCASIONALLY reported the truth — found "The Justice Department and FBI have formally acknowledged that nearly every examiner in an elite FBI forensic unit gave flawed testimony in almost all trials in which they offered evidence against criminal defendants over more than a two-decade period"?

"Flawed testimony"? Oh, please. They made crap up, and they did it in a way that helped prosecutors 95 PERCENT OF THE TIME, leading to one of the biggest waves of "conviction reviews" in our history.