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IPFS News Link • Deep State- Shadow Government

The Origins of the Deep State in North America. PART III.

• By Matthew Ehret

We traced the key players in this Oxford-based network who were formed with the intent of fulfilling the will of Cecil Rhodes to "form a church of the British Empire" and undo the effects of the American Revolution as a global phenomenon. We also saw how these networks worked closely with another early "think tank" called the Fabian Society in order to advance an agenda that required the destruction of the sovereign nation state system which had been founded upon the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia. This was exemplified by the 1999 "Chicago speech" of Fabian asset Tony Blair when he stated that the world must now embark upon a "post-Westphalian order" setting the stage for 9/11 and the new era of regime change that was soon unleashed. In the following report, we will look at the origins of the Fabian Society, by examining some of its founding members and governing philosophy.