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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

Coordinated family attack on Robert F. Kennedy Jr. proves that he's the only Kennedy

• Natural News by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) He's a preeminent voice in the conversation about public health, and one who's bravely spreading the truth about vaccines to the awakened – his recognizable, household last name affording his message unique and exceptional reach. But Robert F. Kennedy Jr., of the Kennedy family legacy, has officially been betrayed by his own siblings and relatives, a handful of whom recently decided to use the mainstream media as a propaganda platform to poison the well concerning their family member's sacrificial work in support of children's health.

Just the other day, Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Joseph P. Kennedy II, and Maeve Kennedy McKean all signed their names onto a hit piece published by Politico that digitally defecates all over pretty much everything that RFK Jr. has been contributing to humanity in recent years. Feigning "love" for their family member in the process, this trio of deep state deceivers is attempting to convince the public that their own flesh and blood is somehow engaging in a "misinformation campaign" every time he furnishes the public with true vaccine science that "health authorities" have been hiding and denying.

Claiming that he's "tragically wrong about vaccines," these three corrupt Kennedys insinuate that RFK Jr.'s Children's Health Defense organization, which advocates on behalf of health freedom and vaccine choice, bears responsibility for the so-called "outbreak" of measles that's been reported throughout the United States. In their view, RFK Jr.'s science-based warnings about the dangers and ineffectiveness of the MMR vaccine for measles, mumps, and rubella, manufactured by Merck & Co., are a manifestation of "the growing fear and mistrust of vaccines," which they claim is being "amplified by internet doomsayers" – which they accuse their brother RFK Jr. of being.
