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IPFS News Link • General Opinion

Anyone Buying This Venezuela BS Is a Complete Moron

• By Caitlin Johnstone

#VenezuelaAidLive is trending on Twitter in the USA as I write this, forced to the forefront of public consciousness and into everyone's eyeballs by a concert staged by billionaire plutocrat Richard Branson. Branson's Virgin Group controls hundreds of companies and brings in some $21 billion annually, with Branson himself valued at around five billion dollars.

The concert is pure narrative control operation, designed to advance the proven lie that the Venezuelan government is shutting out all humanitarian aid from its people, and the proven lie that it has blockaded a bridge to prevent the aid from getting through, both of which are also currently being promoted by American mainstream media despite being thoroughly disproven. In reality, the Venezuelan government has been taking in humanitarian aid from all around the world to help its people, just not from America's regime change operation that is so blatant even NPR recognizes it, and the bridge Branson has been posing in front of for his "billionaire philanthropist" photo ops has never been open for travel.

They're lying to us about Venezuela. Anyone with access to alternative media has access to the fact that they're lying to us about Venezuela. We know this for a fact. We also know for a fact that Venezuela has the largest proven oil reserves on planet Earth, and that in spite of all these appeals to the humanitarian impulses of the US empire the Trump administration is openly interested in controlling that oil. We also know for a fact that US interventionism in modern times is consistently disastrous, and consistently never truly about humanitarianism. We also know for a fact that PNAC neocon Elliott Abrams, who is spearheading this "humanitarian aid" initiative, has previously used humanitarian aid as a pretext for arming militia groups in Nicaragua.