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IPFS News Link • France

French Green Party Founder Says Europeans Must Have Less Children to Make Way For Muslim Migrants


According to the co-founder of the French Green Party, benefits for native European families should be removed in order to encourage them to have less children so that more room can be made for Muslim migrants.

Yves Cochet co-founded the French Green Party in 1984 and is currently an elected member of the European Parliament.

During an interview with left-wing French newspaper Le Nouvel Observateur, Cochet brazenly advocated proposals that would lead to the demographic suicide of the native French population.

"I suggest reversing our policy that encourages births, by inverting the logic of benefits payments for families. The more children you have, the fewer benefits you receive to the point of disappearing entirely after the third birth!" he stated.

"When we accept being 'Neo-Malthusians,' we are quickly accused of racism and elitism. For that reason therefore, I make it clear that I am not targeting the poorest countries, which produce more children than others," explained Cochet.

"On the contrary. The rich countries, like France, are the first that need to decrease demographically. They are the ones with the most polluting lifestyles. Most of all, limiting our births would allow us to better receive the Muslim migrants who are knocking at our doors," he concluded.

The MEP is basically advocating the opposite policy to that of Italian populist leader Matteo Salvini and other eastern European countries, who have increased welfare payments to prospective parents in order to encourage their population to have more children.
