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IPFS News Link • Clinton News

Judge HAMMERS Hillary in Benghazi-ruling SHOCKER (she's furious!)


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's inaction that led to the 2012 murder of four Americans in Benghazi may have been covered-up by the mainstream media — but conservative activists cotninue to work for justice even today.

And they just won a major victory.

U.S. District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth ruled in favor of legal watchdog Judicial Watch on Friday and ordered further investigations into Hillary's illegal private email servers.

Specifically, the judge ruled that both the Department of Justice and the State Department must submit a proposed schedule for discovery on information that could prove Hillary illegally defied Benghazi-related Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests as part of a cover-up — by using her private email set-up.

The State Department must also answer questions on whether former Barack Obama administration insiders acted in "bad faith" by covering-up the existence of the illegal email servers.