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Tucker Carlson says Trump is 'not capable' and hasn't kept his promises


Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson set straight any misinformation concerning his views on President Trump: "I don't think he's capable," he said during an interview on Tuesday.

Urs Gehriger, an editor at "Die Weltwoche," Switzerland's leading German-language opinion weekly, noted that Carlson's new book, "Ship of Fools," is silent on Trump but comments on his critics. And so, Gehriger jump-started the conversation by asking what Carlson thought of Trump's first two years in office.

Carlson said he cannot stand Trump's self-aggrandizement and boasting. Then, when asked whether Trump has kept his promises, the usually quick-witted and long-winded Carlson had just one word: "No."

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Although it has a variety of voices, Fox News Channel has become the outlet often aligned with the current administration, at least in prime time.

Hosts such as Sean Hannity and Jeanine Pirro have taken near-unequivocal positions in support of Trump and against "the liberal left." Hannity has even joined Trump on the campaign stage.

Though often a measured Trump supporter, Tuesday's interview was not Carlson's first verbal-lashing of the president; he called Trump's attacks on then-attorney general Jeff Sessions, following his recusal from the Russia investigation, a "useless, self-destructive act."

This week, he continued to disparage the president when Gehriger probed for more.