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IPFS News Link • Currencies

Gold, Cryptocurrencies, Oil & Shifting Alliances in Modern Currency Wars

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There's so much false media noise over tariff wars, currency manipulations, Russian poisoning charges, supposedly shifty allegiances in Washington toward Moscow and other theatrical propagandistic concoctions that there's very little chance the wider English speaking populace will view – let alone understand – the much larger macroeconomic and thus geopolitical stakes plaguing increasingly deteriorating relations between the US and its closest transatlantic allies, and the rapidly integrating Eurasian and globally southern hemispheric bloc of nations seeking to untether from the unprecedented strength of the US dollar in dictating world affairs.

That's all by design. You're not supposed to know that nations such as Russia, China, Turkey, Iran, Venezuela, Nigeria, South Africa and a growing list of their cohorts are actively experimenting – and in rising unison – with ways of escaping the potency of western sanctions and currency wars, or certainly the roles of physical gold, oil, cryptocurrencies and rivalling international payment systems in said experiments.  It's all rendered as either too complex, or outright implausible, to bother focusing on, and you're thus herded back into standard 'good guy/bad guy' narratives so that you dare not start piecing things together over why the economy isn't what they say it is while other nations – even supposedly 'friendly' ones - are increasingly antagonistic toward the so-called "Free World".