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IPFS News Link • Legislation

Elizabeth Warren's Big Power Grab

• by Walter Olson

Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts has introduced legislation that would radically overhaul corporate governance in America, requiring that the largest (over $1 billion) companies obtain revocable charters from the federal government to do business, instituting rules reminiscent of German-style co-determination under which workers would be entitled to at least 40 percent representation on boards of directors, placing directors under a fiduciary obligation to serve "stakeholders" as opposed to owners as currently, prohibiting political expenditures by corporations unless approved by at least 75 percent of directors and shareholders, and restricting directors and officers from reselling incentive stock within five years.

It's Been Tried. It Didn't Work.

"Let's be clear, none of these are new ideas," writes leading corporate governance expert Stephen Bainbridge of UCLA. "They are either academic utopian schemes or failed European governance models. There are very good reasons none of these dusty relics of eons of progressive corporate thought have made it into law." His series of posts picking it apart in detail begins here.