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IPFS News Link • Africa: On the Map

South Africa Is On The Road To Barbarism and So Is the Rest of the West

•, By Paul Craig Roberts

This legitimizes the murder and dispossession of South African whites, who have been in the country longer than most blacks, as an exercise in human rights. The leader of the new black party that is challenging the one to which the former white government handed over power even has a song about shooting whites.

How many years before it happens in "diversity multi-cultural" Europe and America?

What is wrong with the Russians that they want to be associated with a West that is actively pursuing self-destruction? How long before it is not only white South Africans who are fleeing to Russia to save their lives?

Who destroyed the West? There are different answers to this question. I believe the unleashed greed of Capitalism by deregulation, the burial of Anti-Trust, and the redefinition of corporate responsibility to include only responsibility to shareholders to the detriment of employees, customers, and communities, destroyed the West.

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