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IPFS News Link • Environmental Protection Agency-E.P.A

Is the EPA really an environmental agency? Documents reveal their active agenda to ...


(Natural News) Many on the left are convinced that President Trump couldn't care less about the environment because he's spoken about restructuring and even scrapping certain elements of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). But evidence suggests that the EPA doesn't really care about the environment, either, and that it actively suppresses relevant scientific information that threatens the status quo.

Jonathan Latham, co-founder and executive director of the Bioscience Resource Project and editor of the Independent Science News website, is a well-known critic of corporate fascism and its influence on American politics, including at the EPA. He was recently interviewed by's Lorna Garano, during which he explained how science is routinely manipulated by corporate interests to push an agenda.

At the EPA, this includes covering up pertinent data about chemical safety that benefits chemical corporations at the expense of public health. And the situation is so dire that Latham is actually writing a book about what he's uncovered that focuses on where the problem lies, while offering suggestions on how to correct them.

Latham is also working on a project known as Poison Papers, which represents a treasure trove of about two-and-a-half tons of now-uncovered regulatory and chemical industry documents, exposing the EPA as little more than a shell regulatory body that's become completely beholden to chemical industry interests.

"[These documents] were obtained mainly by Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and through court orders, and consists of internal reports and studies, meeting minutes, correspondence, unsealed court documents, and so forth," Latham explained during the interview. "They primarily cover the 1960s to the 1990s."